Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Microsoft Visual Studio Express

I've decided to get back into programming, so I downloaded parts of the Microsoft's Free Visual Studio Express IDE's. I decided to try the C++ and C# (sharp) as well as Visual Basic and Visual Web Developer (the replacement for the sucky FrontPage product). It's only been a couple of days but sofar I am getting into it again. I haven't written any C code since C++ arrived on the scene.

As far as Visual Basic goes I've only done VBA though I've written a fair amount of VBA code, and I've been writing WSH code using Visual Basic Scripting for the desktop and system admin stuff. So the syntax should be pretty similar, or at least not totally unfamiliar.

I have also been writting ASP for several years by hand in a plain text editor. I like the results of coding this way. I've been able to absolutly controle the HTML that is generated so it conforms to World Wide Web Org's standards. I usually choose HTML 4.01 Strict or XHTML 1.1 Strict. Now that I'm using the Web Developer Express IDE I'm kind of forced to get familiar with the ASP.net stuff. Might as well be a whole new language with the difference in Syntax from the original ASP.

The whole point of doing this is to move my offices Project Proposal, Reporting, & Archiving Web Application forward and add more sofisticated annalysis and business reporting and graphs. Currently I've coded the graphing in SVG and am using the Adobe SVG Viewer browser Plug-in for IE to accomplish the job. Maybe I should just keep going with what I have but I wanted to see if the newer ASP.net stuff would make the charting / graphing any easier.

I guess after a few days I'll know if it is worth it.

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