Friday, October 28, 2005

Marathon Training

Matt and I have been advancing through our training as the miles increase with virtually no difficulty. The mileage hasn't been a problem however I have had a couple of things slow me down like some pain around my left knee which I managed to eliminate by stretching better and more frequently. I found a targeted stretch in Runners World that seemed to help greatly. Then as I mentioned in a previous post my heal injury while on vacation. Most recently Matt and I were our for a pre dawn run mid week (just 5 miles) and just before the 2 mile mark I stepped on a Magnolia tree blossom and twisted my ankle on the way down to the ground. I missed last Saturdays long run of 16 miles but I'm going to make it to tomorrows (Saturdays) 17 mile run. We only have 2 long runs left after this an 18 mile and 20 mile before we start our taper!

I'm slightly worried about topping out at 20 miles. I'd prefer if we started earlier and built up to the whole distance or maybe a little longer. Our 20 mile run is going to be the Clarksburg 20 mile race.

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