Thursday, December 13, 2007

Below Freezing

This doesn't happen very often here in Sacramento...

This morning I got up early to go for a run before work.  This time I skipped my usual routine of checking the temp & weather online, because I already knew it was going to be cold.  So, I just put on the cold weather running clothes and headed out the door expecting to get my usual 3 miles in.  Everything had a heavy coating of frost and it was pretty cold.  I headed down the street, but as I rounded the first corner heading for the 1/4 mile I was already thinking it was too cold to be out.  By the time I crossed the 1/2 mile I turned around and sprinted back home.  When I checked the official temperature it was 29-30 degrees out!  If the sun was out that probably wouldn't feel as cold, but in the early morning before sunrise it was cold!

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