Thursday, August 03, 2006

That didn't turn out as expected, however...

Well, the new pool didn't perform all that well. After 3-4 weeks in the hot sun the pool slouched to one side and stretched a seam until it split and started to leak! Good news is WalMart took it back. Bad news is it happened last week when the heat wave hit and we were without a pool. We had just enough taste of having a pool that we just had to get a replacement. So, we went shopping and found that the local Doughboy pool reseller beat most prices we found on-line. We bought the pool last weekend and today August 3rd it is being installed. Actually, as I'm typing this, they are filling the new pool making sure the liner doesn't wrinkle. Kind of an interesting approach they use to accomplish this.

Julie and I cut out the grass and leveled the area last weekend. They did the final leveling with a transit to check level. There was about a 1-1/2" slope across the area so they moved about 3/4" from one side to the other then recompacted it. They also smoothed the area nicely.

Doughboy pool before

They quickly assembled the pool and stretched the liner over the top and slowly lowered it as the water filled. This kept the liner from wrinkling.

Pool Installed and being filled

They marked a point to stop filling with some tape. This allowed them to finish installing the pump and skimmer the next morning.

Filling to the level of the tape

Here Anna is seeing the pool for the first time. That evening after work we hurried home to check on the filling progress.

Anna seeing the pool for the first time

Julie and Anna posing with the pool the first evening it was installed.

Mom and Anna first evening with the pool

The skimmer and filter are installed and we are filling the pool the rest of the way.

Skimmer and Pump are installed

Julie quickly started putting in the new landscaping around the pool.

Day two landscaping is started

The pool is full and the landscaping work has started.

The pool is now full

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