Today I found Christopher McDougall, the Author of Born to Run has spoken at Google Talks and TEDx events, which can be found on YouTube.
2011/02/27 Update: I went for a 6mi run in my regular running shoes. Then, based on Vibrams recommendations, I then put on the Komodo's and did a short run that was about 10% of my usual distance. They say to take a few weeks to get used to running nearly barefoot, strengthening the muscles in your feet and lower legs. Then build back up to your usual mileage taking care not to over do it. Well after my short run, less than 1/2 mile, I can see their point. I could feel my calves working much harder and after one time around the block I considered calling that enough. However, I did go for another lap around the block, opening up to a sprint for part of the lap. I'm looking forward to my next run in them!
2011/03/09 Update: I've been walking around when at home w/o shoes and trying some of the exercises, I found in this post and this video. That should help me transition to barefoot running. This morning I went for a short run to the park and ran on the grass then headed home and changed onto my standard running shoes and added a bit more distance. Trying to ease into this.
2011/03/19 Update: I went to the trail and ran first in the fivefingers shoes then returned to the car and switched shoes and added some more distance again. It was pretty wet and the Watt Ave. Parking area & trail was flooded. They must be letting water out from the dam since we haven't seen that much rain.
2011/06/17 Update: Well I haven't been updating this post much recently. However I have continued to improve and I now prefer running in my Vibram Fivefingers over my Merrell Trail Gloves. The Merrell shoes look more normal but are just a tiny bit stiffer. I can finally run at a quick pace for a few miles comfortably in the Vibrams.