Saturday, July 28, 2007

Recent Visit to Nanas

On a recent visit to Nana's we spent part of a morning hiking through the Forest of Nisene Marks in Aptos. We usually do a morning run in the forest but this time we just walked. Anna enjoyed the walk and collected things she found along the way. One side trail took us down to a stream just below the trail.

see it at YouTube

Monday, July 23, 2007

One of the hotter weekends

We had another fun weekend. The weather was hotter than it has been recently, we've had a pretty mild summer this year. Anna played in our pool and we also took her to the pool at the park around the corner from our house. Julie received a pool chair for her birthday from her co-workers.
Mom in her new pool chair
Here is a video of Anna sitting in the same pool chair.

Watch it at YouTube